886-4-25692078 886-4-25689581 No.117, Ln. 400, Sec. 3, Yatan Rd., Daya Dist., Taichung City 428, Taiwan www.metainternational.com.tw
About Us
Meta Intemational Co.,Ltd. was established In 1971, through different stages development, expanded and play a role as a professional manufacturer for anti-pollution system machines Our products include long belt sander, dust cyclone/collector, downdraft tables, woodworking air cleaner, light duty copy attachment, dust collection attachments, foldabis roller stand and so on.
Meta as a ISO2000 qualified factory,manufactured all the product according to CSA. UL and CE standard to meet all the market requirement in the world.
Choice us META means you choice the advance design and the best quality.
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No.117, Ln. 400, Sec. 3, Yatan Rd., Daya Dist., Taichung City 428, Taiwan
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