Founded in 1996 as a subcontract gearbox-assembly plant, Yan Fu Tan Industry Co.,Ltd. began to design, develop and make small drill presses for overseas markets in 1998, turning out incrementally-adjustable drill presses as well as drilling & milling machines. Two years later and to meet changing demand, we produced mid-sized units, including vertical speedy drill presses with centralized cooling systems delivering a 100mm-bore capacity. In 2007, we developed large, horizontal speedy drill Presses-Which, also featuring centralized cooling Systems-Have a 150mm-bore capacity and a thru-hole capacity of 250mm-bore when equipped with a hollow-cored drill.
To meet various needs, we continually develop innovative models and upgrade existing, and have turned out units to process car/motorbike shafts, Tee tubes, watercraft propellers, ball-bearing nuts etc. We are proud that these latest models have also been adopted by the largest local ball-screw manufacturer. Models for processing larger workpieces as machine spindles, bushings, hydraulic chucks etc. are also available.
Always trying our best to design, develop top-quality machinery, we now also have patents pending for drill press parts.
Overseas traders interested in becoming agents are welcome to talk to us.
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