About Us

Ko-Yen Precise Machinery is an all-in-one company aiming at understanding problems, finding solutions, and being innovative that it designs, develops, manufactures, and assembles all products. Take GJ-400 Fusion Grinding Machine for Internal and External Diameters for example, it was not developed to be sold to the public firstly, but since a number of upstream and downstream manufacturers’ had persuaded, plus customers’ high recognition, the Company decided to launch the grinding machine in March 2015. Among other models in the market at present, GJ-400 is the most efficient and proficient model, which has been tested the longest. In the future, the Company will continue to release a variety of highly precise fusion grinder upon clients’ points of views and the easy-to-use concept.
Our Logo
The double “Cs” for initials of Chin (referring to Gold in Chinese) and Chi (referring to propitiousness in Chinese), altogether CNC means Gold and Propitiousness. The color gray represents industrial metals, which also signifies the hardness, durability, and rigidity of metal. The red in the center represents tools and signifies the purpose of grinding machine as well as its’ unlimited angle. Two Cs interlock with each other signifies the tightness of linking, which is a key factor that defines precise machinery. CCM in the background signifies expectations and perspectives Chuan-chi Chou has for himself as well as trust and responsibilities to customers.