We've Been Accredited Certification
ISO 9001

About Us
WALRUS Pump Co., ltd is the leading manufacturers of pumps located in Taiwan since 1967, our value is to satisfy customers with a range of comprehensive products, innovative technology and superior quality, value and service. We continuously invest in new product research and development to bring you the best in the industry. Walrus has obtained ISO 9001 and continuously to meet worldwide safety standards.WALRUS is honored by Taiwan Excellence Award, High Efficiency Motor Award, and The National Brand Yushan Award. Besides, we are successfully approved by High Efficiency Motor Alliance of Industrial Technology Research Institute for IE3 Motor inside mark. We continuously develop IE3-IE4 motor to improve the pumps efficiency and meet national IE3 efficiency standard.
WALRUS has also established a pump dynamic laboratory which is certificated by TAF and TÜV NORD. The laboratory develops pumps with the national standard of spare parts, materials, and efficient motor concepts. WALRUS established two primary factories in Taiwan, which located in Taipei and Kaohsiung. We invest the state of art CNC facilities to upgrade the quality of our manufacture. Industrial water pump products (TPH, TPHK, TPAK) were tested to ensure the quality and reliability.
Currently, WALRUS is already the number 1 brand in Taiwan’s home use market, its products are exported to over 40 countries, and it has received 5 global certifications: European CE & RoHS, Canadian CSA-C/US, Chinese 3C and ISO9001.
Now, WALRUS is laying out regional markets in the US, Mainland China, Japan, Europe, India, Southeast Asia, Canada, Brazil, Australia, etc.