About Us

Aleees always holds the philosophy and business objective of "Human Safety and Environment Friendly" since its establishment. From the El Nino phenomenon due to the greenhouse effect, the several petroleum crises due to the over reliance on petroleum, as well as the ultimate goal of developing a sustainable environment for human beings, Aleees is committed to the research and development of the environment-friendly energy storage technology not only to reduce the excessive use of resources by human beings but also to reduce the battery costs and reuse the earth's resources owing to the long cycle life more than thousands of times of the lithium-iron batteries. Most importantly, Aleees use the natural non-toxic lithium salt, phosphoric acid and iron to manufacture the battery cathode materials so as to say goodbye to the nightmare of heavy metal pollution of batteries.
In addition, Aleees is committed to providing our customers with safe and reliable lithium ferrous phosphate batteries with excellent quality. Aleees has passed the international certifications such as ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO 14064 and introduce the ISO16949 system certification. Aleees masters the lithium ferrous phosphate nano metal oxide co-crystals olivine compound technology (LFP-NCOTEC) and apply them in various fields to initiate the new battery revolution with a power source which brings whole new driving fun and environmental comfort and joy for the hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV, HEV), electric vehicles (BEV), electric buses, E-bike and E-scooter, Power tools, Robots, aviation crafts, UPS, Medical Application.
Owing to the high performance/cost ratio of LFP-NCO, Aleees cooperates with battery manufacturers to develop electric buses. Based on the travel of 200 km per day for a present urban bus, an electric bus can reduce 85 tons of CO2 emissions per year. From now on, you can discard those bulky, environment threatening, and inefficient batteries (such as lead-acid, nickel-metal hydride and nickel cadmium batteries). There is no need to wait for long battery charging time. You will be able to enjoy the lightweight, fast charging, long lifespan, absolute safe, and high-performance lithium ferrous phosphate battery technology to enjoy the advance electrical energy provided by Aleees which brings a whole new experience for the sustainable development of the Earth and human beings.
Such game-changing energy storage systems give customers a powerful ride with eco-friendly comfort experience.
Human Safety and Environment-friendly" are the goals for which Aleees endeavors to serve the community.
Since 1996 when the first LFP-NCO (lithium ferrous phosphate nano metal oxide co-crystalline olivine compound) was used as the cathode material in lithium batteries, the quality, stability and patent issue have been the bottlenecks for its industrial development. Aleees masters the industry-leading manufacturing process with the strength of high-quality and long cycle life of the products. With the global patent portfolio, Aleees collaborates with customers to achieve the record of being the world's No. 1 supplier of shipping the LFP-NCO (lithium ferrous phosphate nano metal oxide co-crystalline olivine compounds) in two consecutive years. Quality is the most important value of Aleees and the recognition and support by world's major battery manufacturers are the reasons for Aleees to continuously grow. Aleees applies the high-quality high cycle life cathode materials in the batteries for all types of electric vehicles. From the production to recycling of batteries, Aleees constructs the Cradle to Cradle industry service chain to completely realize the environment declaration of "Human Safety and Environment-Friendly".
The key points for the R & D of the next-generation vehicles are the energy conservation and environmental protection (focused on the development of new energy and alternative energy sources). From being the world's No.1 material supplier to the promoter of the electric buses and battery charge/exchange service systems, Aleees masters the development and manufacturing technology of high quality and long cycle life cathode materials and collaborates with partners to create Taiwan's first " battery swappable type electric buses". In terms of the urban diesel buses running 200 km per day, it is estimated that an electric buses may reduce 128 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year saving 50,000 liters of diesel fuel. Aleees and industry partners collaborates to promote electric buses and battery swapping systems to replace the existing diesel buses which may lead to high carbon emissions. With our own technology and complete control of the quality and battery recycling, we can reduce the hazards of the batteries to personal safety and environment. In addition, the battery charged and swap dual operating model can not only reduce the waiting time but also to provide battery charging service for the electric vehicles not supporting the battery swap service. Aleees combines technology and humanity to achieve a sustainable development balance between the human development and environmental conservation so as to realize the corporate philosophy of human safety and environment friendly.
Aleees complies with the national standard to reduce the carbon emissions in 2020 down to the level in 2005 which is equivalent to the carbon emissions reduction of 87 million metric tons.
How Aleees Achieves the Commitment
Aleees holds the human safety and environment friendly as the enterprise's core objective.
Aleees masters the proprietary lithium ferrous phosphate nano metal oxide co-crystalline olivine compound technology.
Aleees continues to improve the lithium ferrous phosphate manufacturing technology so as to ensure its position as a global market leader.
Aleees provides products with high quality and long cycle life.
Aleees develops the materials with the highest cycle life to be used in the energy storage devices of electric vehicles so as to reduce the cost per use of electric vehicles.
Aleees cooperates with the upstream and downstream partners to form alliances to provide new formulas to the next generation with a sustainable Earth
Earth's climate and environment is facing crisis and changes which are difficult to repair due to the greenhouse gases produced by human. In order to leave our descendants a better living environment and fulfill our corporate responsibility, Aleees collaborates with various industry partners to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and to provide a complete solution to construct a sustainable living environment on earth.
Aleees implements the business philosophy of "human safety and environment friendly". Both its proprietary olivine material technology and the competitiveness of the highest-performance material are applied to the electric buses. By collaborating with upstream and downstream partners, Aleees produces lithium-ion batteries with high quality and high cycle life. With Aleees' electric buses and battery exchange operating system, we hope to create a peaceful coexistence of humans and the environment in the future.
What we are going to change is the children's future! Aleees cooperates with global partners to take concrete action to reduce the impact of enterprise's development on the environment, to implement the green business, and to comprehensively promote corporate responsibility to the society and environment. To leave the next generation a better living environment and fulfill our corporate responsibility to the environment, Aleees is committed to complete the following environment declaration:
Thorough implementation of ISO14001 certification standards, use of clean technologies, careful selection of raw materials, suppliers and recyclable products to reduce environmental burden.
Greenhouse gas reduction strategies.
Concrete implementation of ISO14064 greenhouse gas standard policy.
To completely grasp the company's greenhouse gas emissions profile.
To concretely perform the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan.
To be concretely focusing on the use of energy-saving products.
It is planned to reduce the carbon emissions in 2020 back to the level in 2005, which is equivalent to up to 87 million metric tons, and then reduce the carbon emissions in 2025 back to the level in 2000 as a high standard.
To promote the "low-carbon city with electric buses and battery swap operating system."
To construct the metropolitan area "green energy transportation network" to reduce the use of private transportation vehicles.
Aleees implements the business philosophy of "human safety and environment friendly". Based on its proprietary manufacturing capability of LFP cathode materials as well as the collaboration with upstream and downstream partners, Aleees produces lithium-iron batteries with high quality and high cycle life. With Aleees' electric buses and battery exchange operating system, we hope to create a peaceful coexistence of humans and the environment in the future.
Aleees' Mission
The research study by World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 2011 indicates that the ozone loss over the Arctic sky reaches a new high record. Since the winter of 2010 to the end of March in 2011, the Arctic ozone loss is approximately 40% which is much higher than the highest lss of 30% during the same period in previous years. The air pollution produced by human leads to the constantly loss of the ozone layer which can protect of human lives and safety. The ozone layer can block the UV from causing injury to human. Aleees regards itself as the ozone layer for humanity; even though it has no dazzling appearance, it is most trustable and important partner for human beings.Stop the global warming and the resultant series of changes to the climate and the human environment. Aleees electric determined to promote enterprise-wide greening actions. From the procurement of raw materials, production processes, through product packaging, we use the materials which would impose the least burden on the environment.
Aleees' Enterprise Vision:
Aleees will continue to strengthen the mass production technology of the lithium ferrous phosphate nano metal oxide co-crystalline olivine (LFP-NCO) cathode material in order to maintain the leadership of the products in the world.
Aleees will provide energy storage materials with the world's highest quality and highest life cycle.
Aleees will be devoted to the promotion and development of electric vehicles so that the traveling cost per kilometer of each electric bus is equivalent to the existing diesel bus.
Aleees will establish the cradle-to-cradle business model and master the upstream raw materials as well as the maintenance and recycling for material applications to collaborate with all industry partners to achieve the goals of continuous profitable and sustainable business and to accomplish the future of power lithium batteries.
All employees in Aleees will participate in the overall comprehensive quality control and the three-Ts (TQC, TPS, and TPM) production system activities to realize the commitments to customers.