About Us

In 1974, Tu-hsing Auto Electrical goods Co., Ltd. was founded, producing solenoid switches of starter motor for the domestic market. Due to the good quality products, stabile production and the most important factor – favorable price, our products were soon accepted by the overseas users with the brand name “Chiang Bin”.
CAR MATE established
In 2007, for providing better services and favorable prices, Chiang Bin was re-organized and the new company - CAR MATE Auto E-goods Maker Co., Ltd. been established by Mr. B. John Hsu by then. During a short time the new brand name “CAR MATE” won the reputation in this field since it has been established. The customers include local trading companies and domestic makers. Nowadays more and more overseas customers are sourcing from us. We have customers whose from the Middle East Asia, South East Asia, Japan, Korea, China, Europe, Canada, America, Australia and Latin America. There are over five hundreds items in the range of Solenoids Switch, including many of customer’s own designs.