About Us

Bonli Transformer Co., Ltd. focuses on designing peripheral products for CNC machine tools, along with the development and manufacturing of transformers and oil mist removers. We demand that our products ensure our customers enjoy stable operation and outstanding oil mist removal and recycling for their machines. Bonli has maintained a steady and healthy growth during a time of rapid technological, economical and informational change by staying true to our roots and keeping our feet firmly planted on the ground. Our diligent business management, rapid but reliable manufacturing process, and uncompromising attitude towards quality propel us forward. We spare no attention to detail when providing customer service. Through our efforts, we continue to rise above the rest amidst fierce competition, enjoying rapid growth with each passing day.
Detailed observation, the acquisition of new global technology developments, and our constant drive to achieve the very best is our unchanging goal. We invest a little more time and effort, more focused management effort, and more concentrated development than others so we are moving forward with each step recouping the benefits of our efforts. So from this new beginning we can be different, demanding the very best from both our people and our products whilst always striving for perfection.