886-7-6983823 886-7-6982808 No.27,Ln.50,huazheng Rd,Luzhu Dist,Kaohsiung City 821,Taiwan. howgood.com.tw
We've Been Accredited Certification
ISO 9001
About Us
Started with precision shovel flowers, set up companies in Kaohsiung, Taichung, in the early days, mainly contracted machinery factory shovel flower business, with the largest number of shovel flower masters in Taiwan, can be called the famous shovel flower family in Taiwan, the famous machinery factory, oil engine industry, Dongtai Precision Machinery, Xiehong industry are the company's customers, In recent years, in view of the increasing fluctuation of Taiwan's machine tool industry with the ups and downs of the economy, it has started the company's transformation and product development, and then built a new plant to enter the machine tool refurbishment market.
The factory is ISO 9001:2015 certified & PMC advanced technical training license
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