No.290, Sec. 6, Fongyuan Blvd., Fongyuan Dist., Taichung City 42072, Taiwan


How to get the most out of your surface grinder?

Surface grinders are quite popular among lots of people out there. It is being used by die makers, job shops, and many other people to get their work done. Regardless of how and why you use the surface grinder, it is important to have a clear understanding on how to get the most out of it. That’s where you can go through this article.

How to keep a firm grip when using the surface grinder?

Holding components securely throughout any machining operation may seem obvious, but if you've ever seen a piece of steel speeding out the left side of a surface grinder, followed by flying bits of grinding wheel shrapnel, you'll pay extra careful attention to your agreement also provides for the rest of your life.

Despite vacuum chucks and double-sided tape, the most prevalent (and recommended) method of gripping components during grinding is using a magnetic chuck. There are two kinds of magnets: electromagnetic and permanent magnets. Chances are, your machine arrived with one or the other, and you're stuck with that as well, but electromagnets provide more gripping force and flexibility, and demagnetizing the chuck and work after cutting is simple simply reversing its current flow.

Regardless of the one you select, be sure to adequately support tall work - piece by clamping it to an angle plate and 1-2-3 block. Also, if you often grind tiny workpieces, search for a fine pole grip or, at the very least, hold them in place with a thin chunk of metal just on side of the component opposing the wheel rotation.

Keep your surface grinder cool at all times

It's vital to remember because surface grinding removes microscopic particles or metal, as well as the fluid is in charge of supplying lubrication as well as drawing heat away from the work zone. Water-soluble and synthetic cutting fluids are excellent at cooling but provide more lubricity than pure oil. Nonetheless, water-based coolants are likely to be the primary option for general-purpose usage, and definitely for roughing activities.

Oil is often advised for use on CBN and diamonds wheel. However, since oil may go everywhere and is unpleasant to breath, mist protection is required. A fire extinguisher is also a smart idea, and it may be required by law in your location. Fluids should be maintained clean and filtered in both cases. To eliminate tramp oil and avoid rancidity, water-soluble liquids should be skimmed.

Exploring the different applications of surface grinder

Let us begin with the wheels: There is a dizzying array of abrasives, grits, bonding methods, and shapes available, and some businesses may choose for a multipurpose wheel instead of researching which of the several combinations would work best for a given application. Here's whatever you need to know to make surfaces grinding a quick and easy operation.

- Size of the Grit Wheel

When eliminating huge volumes of material, a 120 or coarser grit wheel will finish the work faster than, say, a 150 grain wheel. Although vitrified bond oxide layer wheels are the most often used for multipurpose work, companies that grind hardened tool steel or other challenging materials may think about investing in a resin bonded ceramic or CBN wheel.

These are oversimplifications, since the performance of every grinding wheel is determined by a number of parameters, including the kind of abrasive, the substance being cut, and the amount of material removed. The goal is to do your homework and not finish second best when it comes to grinding wheel choosing.

- Wheel Grades

A comparatively "soft" Grade H wheel is chosen for grinding tougher workpiece materials, but a harder Grade J or K wheel may be better suited for soft materials. Take a few moments to go from one to the other could make a significant difference in the number of parts just on bench at the close of the day.

Keep these facts in mind and go ahead with getting the most out of the surface grinder you have. You will appreciate the features and support you can get out of it in the long run.


Hand Feed Surface Grinders

Hydraulic Surface Grinders

Auto Downfeed Surface Grinders

CNC Surface Grinders

Rotary Surface Grinders





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