No. 1301, Feng Jou Rd., Shen Kang, Taichung, Taiwan


precision surface grinder
Precision Surface Grinding

Construction and Features
Saddle and Table Slideways
The slideways on this model sre "V" and flat structure, scraped for extremely smooth movement and outstanding accuracy.
Superior Rigidity and Construction
Double "V" shaped slide ways between the saddle and base. Slideway surfaces are coated with Teflonand precision scraped, assuring extremely smoothmovement and outstanding accuracy.


Model Identification
CB-450SV Automatic Surface Grinding Machine with Single Axis Hydraulic Drive.
CB-450DX  Automatic Surface Grinding Machine with Two Axis Automatic Feed. Hydraulic Drive on Longitudinal Feed. Automatic Vertical Feed.

AC Servo Motor Drive

The vertical Feed (Y-axis) is driven by Mitsubishi (or equivalent) servo motor, which is connected with high precision worm gear mechanism.
It provides minimum feed unit in 0.001mm or rapid traverse rate up to 300 mm/min.

Micrometric Adjustment for Cross Feed

The micrometric adjustment is transmitted through a worm and worm gear mechanism.
The worm is manufactured from carbon steed, hardened and precision ground. The worm gear is manufactured form phosphor bronze. A high precision ball screw is equipped on the cross feed axis for high precision transmission.

Digital Readout for Linear Scale

VERTICAL FEED(Y-AXIS): The encoder for servo motor transmits a position signal to digital readout, which displays the position. Amy position display allows for zero-setting.
CROSS FEED (Z-AXIS): When a linear scale is fitted on the z-axis, the cross feed position can be displayed and allows for zero-setting.

Vertical Servo Feed Control Panel

The control panel provides a selector for selecting 1um and 10um feeds and rapid traverse.
This allows operator to fast move the spindle head to approach the work price, then turn the MPG handwheel to move the spindle head to work price for grinding, the control panel is easy to access for added convenience of operation and increasing working efficiency.

Table sizes 150x460 mm 150x460 mm
Longitudinal travel 480 mm 480 mm
Cross travel 180 mm 180 mm
Spindle center to table surface 370 mm 370 mm
Magnetic chuck sizes 150x450 mm 150x450 mm
Longitudinal Feed
Manual travel 530 mm 530 mm
Automatic travel

510 mm

510 mm
Table traverse rate

5~25 M/min

5~25 M/min
Cross Feed
Manual travel 190 mm 190 mm
Hand wheel per revolution 5 mm 5 mm
Hand wheel per graduation 0.02 mm 0.02 mm
Micrometric adjustment par revolution 0.2 mm 0.2 mm
Micrometric adjustment par graduation 0.001 mm 0.001 mm
Vertical Feed
MPG per revolution x1=0.1 mm x1=0.1 mm
MPG per graduation x1=0.001 mm x1=0.001 mm
Vertical rapid traverse 300 mm/min 300 mm/min
Automatic feed (DX) -- 0.001~0.099 mm
Grinding Wheel
Grinding wheel sizes 203x12~19x31.75 mm 203x12~19x31.75 mm
Spindle speed (rpm) 3450(60hz)/2850(50hz) 3450(60hz)/2850(50hz)
Spindle motor 3 HP 3 HP
Hydraulic motor 1 HP 1HP
Vertical feed drive 400 W 400 W
Net wet (Approx) 850 kgs 850 hgs
Gross weight (Approx) 950 kgs 950 kgs
Packing Dimensions ( LxWxH ) 1480x1270x2250mm 1480x1270x2250mm
Total Rated Horsepower 5 HP 5 HP
Above information are for reference only, The machine design, specifications and construction are subject to change without prior notice.


Standard Equipment
1. Grinding wheel and flange
2. Wheel extractor with wrench
3. Wheel balancing arbor
4. Tool box with service tools
5. Diamond dresser and base.
6. Levelling screws with pads.
7. Lifting bolt.
8. Splash guard.
9. Permanent magnetic chuck.
10. Coolant Device.
11. Work light.
12. Ball screw on cross feed.
Optional Equipment 
1. Fine mesh permanent magnetic chuck.
2. Magnetic chuck with automatic demagnetizer.
3. Fine mesh electro magnetic chuck.
4. Manual parallel dresser.
5. Dust suction with coolant device.
6. Dust suction device.
7. Wheel balancing stand.
8. Precision vise.
9. Rotary magnetic chuck ø200mm.
10. Linear scale.

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