About Us

Incorporated in 1991 and headquartered in Wayne, New Jersey with marketing offices in Taipei, Beijing and Shanghai, COMWEB serves public & private schools (K-12), universities, corporations and public institutions. Our mission is to become a total solution provider for the communication, training and knowledge management needs of our clients. We apply technology innovatively to enhance productivity in group learning environments and offer the following solutions:
KnowledgeWEB System
KWS - "KnowledgeWEB" (Classrooms, Schools and Districts) System
KMS - "Knowledge Management" System
L-TAG - "Learning Technology Architect Group"
ET Training - Education Technology Training To Improve "Teacher Quality"
1 - COMWEB's "KnowledgeWEB" System (KWS) is a multimedia instructional delivery and communication system for classrooms and schools. It unifies structures and integrates other technologies (both current and emerging), leveraging on legacy systems and existing investments. KnowledgeWEB enables a collaborative learning environment and creates the ideal infrastructure for community centers and jobs for the 21 st Century.
2 - COMWEB's "Knowledge Management" System (KMS) offers digital Learning Content Management (LCM), Multimedia Content Development and Distribution. KM system includes desktop tools for multimedia content capture and creation ( eZ-Engine & comSeminar ) and for building personal digital libraries (iNota) as well as for creating online learning portals (LearningXP ).
3 - COMWEB's "Learning Technology Architect Group" (L-TAG) provides a methodology and consultative services to lead schools and companies in transforming their instructional design, knowledge delivery and communication infrastructures. The typical L-TAG project starts in the classroom and builds outward through a system of linkages to other classrooms, districts and learning communities.
4 - COMWEB's ET Training provides an innovative teacher development program, through its sister company, Global Knowledge Exchange (“GKE”), addressing a critical problem in today's K-12 schools: the growing shortage and certification of qualified science and mathematics teachers.
COMWEB has installed over 6,000 KWS worldwide, including approximately 800 classrooms in the United States.There are over 30 applications of KWS in classrooms, ranging from ESL, Math, Science, special education and finance to national security and defense across K-12 classrooms, universities, corporations and government. An estimated 10,000 teachers and 600,000 students use the COMWEB KWS daily. Many have received best-in-practice instruction awards in their respective subject areas.