About Us

established in 1972. With more than 40 years of experience, SHINING Cycle has become one of
the biggest rim manufacturer in Taiwan and more 500 staff at the three principal sites in Taiwan,
Vietnam and China, which provide more than 10 million pairs of rims for the world bicycle
riders per year. SHINING CYCLE always uses advanced technology and equipments to keep
products ahead of the market and could perform its best to those bicycle lovers.
As we design rims, we build rims, we test rims, we ride on our rims, then we love our rims,
thus we know what riders need and even more. We, at SHINING CYCLE, are aiming to
bring joy and create excitement to the world cyclists. When you are riding on
SHINING rims, the wind touches the skin, you will experience the power of
SHINING rims and enjoy the nature environment around you.
So, Make your rims SHINING today!