機台機件採用高級米漢納鑄鐵鑄造而成,寬軌、寬距設計剛性結構強,確保機台平穩移動,精度佳,壽命長。 Body Structure:
This machine body adopts a high grade Meehanite cast iron and wide rail/distance design; the high rigidity structure ensures stable movement, excellent precision, and long working life.
台面可作 (-3°~8°) ~(±12°) 之角度調整,配合量錶之使用,可作精準的斜度研磨。工作台與鞍座採用強制油浸式潤滑設計,使用無磨耗,進給平穩精度佳,使用年限長。
Working Table:
Allows (-3~8°~+/-12°) angle adjustments. In line with the use of measuring table, it can conduct precision rake grinding. The working table and saddle use an enforcing oil submerged lubrication design that ensures low wear, smooth feeding, good precision, and long working life.
Dressing Wheel Head:
The wheel spindle adopts hydraulic bearing to ensure long use, high cutting efficiency and stable precision; excellent working piece roughness and true roundness. The wheel is unable to get started if the pressure reaches below the pre-setting volume, a control design to enhance the working life of spindle.
Spindle Table:
Variable speed change and high torque; suitable for big and small diameter working piece grinding. (-40°~ +90°) rotating adjusting are available. It can also conduct both ejector pin rotating and fixing uses, upgrading the working efficiency.
Tail Seat:
The holding of tail is adjustable by the use of knob in the forehead. The broad type design makes stable holding and allows 40mm flexibility. A hydraulic automatic design is also available for the convenient use.
型號:ETG-400 / 600 / 650 / 1000 / 1500 / 2000
Model:ETG-400 / 600 / 650 / 1000 / 1500 / 2000