Tool Setter for CNC Machines
Tool Setter for CNC Machines
Tool Setter
or named touch probe/touch sensor/tool lengh detector/tool resetter
There are contact type, projector type , laser positioning type for different needs.
Projector and laser type are very expensive and the accuracy is controversial,
contact type tool setter can meet the most need in industry.
Tsense is a precision class contact type tool setter manufacturer.
BALLSUM is Tsense's best well known brand of tool setter.
BALLSUM contact tool setter is often placed in automatic tool change CNC machines.
After changing the tool,
let the tool contact BALLSUM tool setter to record the z-axis position
and set it as zero point.
For each manufacturing process,
you will have a zero point to reset your tool or check the
tool is broken or wear-out.

Ballsum contact tool setter can fully replace the manual tool change process,
saving human power , increase effiency,and error detection in realtime,avoid
manufacturing malfunction products.
Ballsum contact tool setter is a necessities of each CNC machines.