√ Seeking the highest air source automatically -
When processed copper, aluminium etc., non-iron workpiece or raw cast iron etc., making heavy cutting which can be made adaptable gripping force to ensure work piece clamping and with auto compensating &
retaining pressure etc., functions.
√ The biggest safety clamping range -
The shifting speed is only 1.5 sec. with safety range: 8mm, and can be visible the clamped work piece safety range is exceeded or not.
√ Triple usage of vertical. side. Horizontal -
Six faces of vice body be super grinding & pre-setting holding slot, and can be processed vertically without jig fixture.
√ Super rugged material -
The vice body is adopted hi-tensile graphite casting iron (FCD-60), on-piece design and harden heat-treatment (HRC 45) at two slide way which ensured hi-precision, hi-durability & hi-tensile.