No.10, Fenggong 3rd Rd., Shengang Dist., Taichung City 42942, Taiwan
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About Us

EXCETEK Technologies Co., Ltd was established in 2006, and cooperated with Yeong Chin Machinery Industries Co., Ltd. to establish a strategic alliance at the same year.

It is the largest institutional shareholder. Our main products include CNC wire cutting machines, CNC electric discharge machines, and drilling machines and our products are sold in 30 countries all over the world. Wire cutting machines are used in precise machine industry full of high technology and intensive knowledge, and have been widely used in Japan, and Europe and America. EXCETEK was not established for a long time, but it insists on independent research and development, EXCETECK private brand, and production and marketing business mode. We invest huge funds in development of All key technologies, so our brand is as good as international famous brands, and our products is more economic, and our service is more convenient and rapid.

Wire cutting machines must integrate knowledge such as mechanics, electronics, electromechanics, and information software. Our research personnel are elites with years of industrial experience, and our business and service have established powerful strength in relevant technical areas. Currently operating system has been fully electronized and a complete set of ERP information system has been established to integrate production, R&D, marketing and finance to maximize management benefit. We will use our knowledge management to carry out repair and R&D. By the knowledge management platform, the knowledge and information together with core competence are used to improve international competitiveness and profitability. By management of knowledge and files, and management of core specialty, we change enterprise and private implicit knowledge to explicit knowledge to integrate organization competitive advantage with core advantage.

Although EXCETECK was only established for 6 years, we experienced initial establishment and financial tsunami. By 2011, we have got a growth of more than 30% each year, and our growth was affected a little because of global economy decline in 2012. In 2013, we officially introduced “Lean Production Mode”. Supported by Zhongguan Chen, former general manager of Yeong Chin Machinery Industries Co., Ltd., we used the pull production to replace the push production, and established the sub-committee to carry forward every improvement works, marketing, R&D, production, and service, and establish powerful foundation so as to ensure a good financial performance.

At present, our wire cutting line is complete, and our technology is independent, and we have obtained achievements in the global sales system. Sustainable development is our orientation and vision.



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No.10, Fenggong 3rd Rd., Shengang Dist., Taichung City 42942, Taiwan


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