No.461, Dali Rd., Dali District, Taichung City 412, Taiwan


Power Chucks for CNC Lathes
3-jaw wedge type through-hole power chuck (with adaptor)(big hole)


Dim\Model TF3C-6A5 TF3C-8A6 TF3X-10A8 TF3X-12A8 TF3X-12A11
Through-Hole (mm) 52 66 75 100 100
Plunger Stroke (mm) 12 17 19 23 23
Jaw Stroke (Dia)(mm) 5.5 7.4 8.8 10.6 10.6
Max. Draw Bar Pull Force (kgf) 2200 3400 4300 5500 5500
Max. Gripping Force (kgf) / (kgf/cm²) 5700 / 18 8700 / 18 11000 / 27.5 14300 / 19.5 14300 / 19.5
Max. Speed (r.p.m.) 6000 4600 4200 3300 3300
Weight (kg) 14.2 24.5 37.4 61 61
Matching Cylinder RCS-8 RCS-10 RCS-10X RC-15 RC-15
Matching Soft Jaw HC06 HC08 HC10 HC12 HC12
Matching Hard Jaw HJ06 HJ08 HJ10 HJ12 HJ12


Dim\Series TF3C-6A5 TF3C-8A6 TF3X-10A8 TF3X-12A8 TF3X-12A11
A 175 215 254 318 318
B 75 108.5 113 137 126
D 20 25 30 30 30
E 30 22.5 18 33 22
F 82.563 106.36 139.719 139.719 196.8
C (H6) 140 170 220 300 300
H 104.78 133.4 171.45 171.45 235
J 16 16 20 20 20
K 6xM10 6xM12 6xM16 6xM20 6xM20
L 52 66 78 110 110
M 5 7 5 6 6
N (Max) 32 46 51 68 68
N (Min) 29.25 42 46.6 63 63
O (Max) 24 25.5 34.5 53.5 53.5
O (Min) 7.5 10.5 12 19 19
P (Max) 25 31.5 26.5 37 26
P (Min) 12.5 14.5 7.5 14 3
R 12 14 16 21 21
S 19 25 25 28 28
T 32 37 42 52 52
U (Max) M60x2.0 M74xP2.0 M87x2.0 M115x2.0 M115x2.0
V - - - 6xM16 -
W 66 82 96 127 127
X 16 16 16 20 20
Y 36 45 60 60 60
A1 65 80 102 140 140
M1 M8 M8 M10 M10 M10
t 5 5 5 5 5
Reference Fig1 Fig1 Fig1 Fig2 Fig1

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